an online publication that might be a digital version of a print magazine or
it might be a magazine that was created specifically for the Internet.
1.Institutions can skip altogether the costly and time-consuming printing process (as well as the increasing postage costs).
2.Possible to cover events in a timelier manner.
3.Provide a more comprehensive experience to readers including text,
images (lots of images), video or audio interviews but also
welcome/nurture instant feedback.
4.Can get a very good idea of what your readers are actually viewing/reading.
1.There's a bigger chance to miss the reader because there's a lot of information available on the Web.
2.Digital magazines require to be promoted on other channels: emails, postcards or other mailings.
Programs that can be use:
1.Google Currents
3.The baker framework
4.The laker compendium
5.Kindle publishing for periodicals
6.Adobe digital publishing suite
iBook Authors
Apple release it on January 19 2012. It is a a tool for "educators and smaller publishers to create their own books"