Hey, this article is dedicated to all people in the world. Have you ever heard about Army of God?? If you never heard about Army of God it's OK. Because, now I am going to tell you about my experience.
On August 29 2010, I went to the Army of God youth revival for the first time in my life. My cousin asked me to come to Army of God. I was so excited when my cousin asked me to go with him to Army of God because I have a friend to go with. I am not alone, because if i went to Army of God alone I did not feel happy because I did not know someone at there. God speak to me at there. It was held in Grand City. It was Philip Mantofa that became the speaker. Army of God is suitable for teenagers above. But not for adults because Army of God was established for young people that can change the whole world by God's path. Army of God change my whole life. Before I went to Army of God, my character was so bad. I say bad words almost everyday. It was just like a habit for me to say that kind of words.I felt nothing when I say that kind of words. I say that kind of words because of my surroundings. But when I go to Army of God, my character was change. Because my cousin asked me to do a baptism. So I do it. At first I did not feel something is change. But time goes on, I felt that God has work to change my character. I felt that when I want to say bad words someone control my mouth and keep my mouth so I did not say bad words. Everyday seems like that and now I am not saying bad words anymore. My friend realize the changes of my characteristics and so do I. I am so blessed to have a mighty GOD. He is so powerful. Everything is possible for Him. Nothing is impossible, something that can not be think by human or something that human can not do with His hands everything is possible. I am graceful that I could have Jesus Christ as my God. Only one God in this world and it is Him. Army of God has spread all over Indonesia. God has shown his mighty power to all over the world. Example: the Army of God that held in Medan on 12-13 August. Even though heavy rain blew at Medan but the enthusiasm from the people itself grew a lot. Approximately 6000 person came at Army of God. God show His power throughout the people. The heavy rain blew Medan at 6 pm. But Army of God youth began at 7 pm. The rain stopped at 9 pm. Army of God ended at 9 pm. It is amazing right?? The enthusiasm that came out from the people to love God more and more happened in the Army of God youth revival Medan. Philip Mantofa the pastor of Mawar Sharon church has brought over 100.000 souls to God from a lot of programs and Christian revival meetings. From his ministry, spiritual leaders were groomed minister local churches in many cities in Indonesia and Asia. His passion is to see nations encounter Jesus Christ. This year on December he(Philip Mantofa) will go to India to begin the youth revival. It is the first experience for him. Taiwan is the most visited city for Philip Mantofa. Every year Philip will go to Taiwan. He spent his childhood in Taiwan. He was very naughty when he was child. He told us that when he was 5 years old he already knew about Pornography. When he was studying at first grade, he has broken one of his friends leg. When he was 16 years old, he was fighting with someone at Singapore. He was send home at that time. But, when he was 18 years old his whole life is changed. He begin to enter the theology school. At the young age, Philip Mantofa has change lots of people life. He can do some miracles too. It is a talent that God give to Philip. The host, speakers, and guest star for the Army of God is: Pastor Jusuf Soetanto, Pastor Philip Mantofa, Pastor Jaeson Ma, Pastor Yosep Moro Wijaya, Pastor Robert Tedjasukmana, Ari Wibowo, Vanness Wu, Zack Lee, and Nafa Urbach .
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