I went to Malaysia on 18 June 2007. I went there with my sister, mother and my father's friend family. My father did not join with us because he has to work. In June there are no holiday for my father. I slept at Royale Bintang hotel. This hotel is near with every food restaurant even though in the street. Do you know "nasi lemak"? It is a traditional food for the Malaysian. It is so cheap but very tasty. Only 1 ringgit or it is same like 2700 rupiah. But it has a lot of food inside. It is a big portion. Nasi Lemak is good for breakfast. This Nasi lemak only sells in the morning. Before 12 o'clock the food is sold out. So,if you want to eat "Nasi Lemak" you better wake up earlier before the "Nasi Lemak" is sold out. In Malaysia I went to a lot of places. Some Malaysian can speak "Bahasa Indonesia". But, it is better for you to speak English or Chinese to them. About four or three days I slept at Royale Bintang hotel. It is located in Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia. Inside this mall there are game facilities such as roller coaster, spinning machine and the others. But, the most visited game is the roller coaster. Because it is the first time that a mall has a roller coaster inside it. The mall is called Times Square. I was so surprised because it was my first experience to play a game facilities that have a roller coaster inside it. Haha. Next is Sunway Lagoon. If you want to enter this you must walk inside a mall. It is similar with Waterboom, but this is way bigger than Waterboom. It has a water games and land games. If land games it is like roller coaster and the others. Water games like : Waters of Africa. Inside waters of Africa there are a lot of games such as: Congo challenge, a six lane headfirst racer. Brave the heights and speed of the intense Cameroon climb or spin around in loops before propelled out of gigantic tubes on the African Pythons. It is located at the Water Park. Land games such as: Wild wild West and World of Adventure. But I am going to tell you about World of Adventure only. Inside World of Adventure you will not get wet. But if you play Wild wild West you will get wet. World of Adventure only choose by those who do not want to get wet. You will have to walk on the world's longest Pedestrian Suspension Bridge. Measuring 428m in length, it offers a breathtaking view of the whole lagoon. But, if you would rather sit, Wagon Wheel is great to catch bird's eye of the park. Experience the dips and curves of the roller coaster at the lost city of Gold and spin yourself silly on the Apache Pots. There are the 360 degrees swings of the Tomahawk and Pirate's revenge. It is located at the Amusement Park. There are Extreme park too. This place is the best place for you to play extreme games inside the Sunway Lagoon. G-Force X is the best place to measure up your adrenaline. You are going to be catapulted up to 120 km per hour, in 2 SECONDS rising to the height of 65 meters! That are all about Sunway Lagoon.
Next stop: GENTING! We slept at Resort Hotel Genting Higlands. The air is so cold. Temperature is so cold. It is located beside the Theme Park of Genting Higlands. The first thing that I remember is the superman roller coaster. We were look like a superman when we are playing this roller coaster. Then corkscrew roller coaster. This roller coaster has a twisting turning. And last but not least is the haunted house. When we enter this haunted house you will feel like it is real. It is a big long road to finish it. Lot's of ghost looks real. Such as: Someone will hold on your legs and then comes out from a drum. Then sometimes the ghost is following you from behind. The effect is so good. And the design too. It is just unbelievable. OK that's all about my story.
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