In the 2009/2010 academic year i was at class 8d. I was surprised and shocked too because my homeroom teacher was Mr Wahyu the Physical Education teacher. All of the class member was afraid with Mr Wahyu. But time goes on we were not afraid with Mr Wahyu, but we were friendlier with him. At first all of the student were afraid with Mr Wahyu because Mr Wahyu is very strict, discipline and his face look very serious. But, that is not true. Mr Wahyu was a kind, nice, friendly person. But still he was a strict and discipline person too. Until now he is that kind of person. Never change his personality. Mr Wahyu was a trainer in a military school. His job suit him well because he is strong, discipline, strict, serious. When we had a morning prayer time, sometimes Mr Wahyu told about his story when he worked at the military school. He used to eat rice bowl that the meat and vegetables were only fish oil and raw eggs. If in military school we must finished the food even though we were throw up or vomit we could not vomit in the other place, we must put it into the rice bowl. And then the craziest thing was we had to take turn in order to eat. That was so gross. Even a person throw up his food, if we got his food we must eat it. It was so disgusting. After we heard his story,all of us(my friends and I) said that it was so disgusting. Because we would never ate that kind of food. In my class there were two smartest student on the 8th grade their name are Davin and Ivan. So in my class a lot of unique skills that everybody have, different kind of skills. Like Yosua. He is the best student that could play music well in our class, he could play keyboard, drum, and guitar. But when we had a devotion that school held it every wednesday Yosua always play guitar or keyboard because he is good at keyboard and guitar not drum. Mr Dicky our music teacher said that he(Yosua) was better than Mr Dicky when Mr Dicky was in junior high school. Yosua could play one of Rhoma Irama(the king of Dangdut) song. It is "Sekuntum Mawar Merah" or if we translate in English a bucket of roses. Yosua is good in math too,he always got a good score at math. Yosua was a patient person too. If we tease him, he would never be angry to us. He only gave us a smile. Then the person that i would like to tell now is Cecilia. Cecilia had a nickname "
HITLER". The first person that created that nickname was Hartono because when Hartono tease her, she scratch Hartono right hand and it was a big scratch. If we measure it, it was 8 centimeters long. Hartono's hand was bleeding. But Cecil is the average girl on 8d, Yosefin is the same as Cecil too. I could say they were the average because they always do the same with the other person in every lesson, and they were diligent too. Chelsy her skill is at singing, she has got a good voice. Sometimes she became our worship leader in the devotion time. Then Ivena, she is good at english. I was so embarrassed if i lose english with her, because from grade 7 she usually won from me, so i wanted to have a revenge to her. So if i lost, she will be so happy and i will be so embarrassed. Novia, she is a creative person. She can draw well. If our teacher told us to made a group usually I ask her to become the member of the group. And sometimes Cecil do the same with what I do to her. Then Hartono, he was my friend at 7th grade. He is a smart person too, but he was lazy too. Same with me, I was lazy too. But now, I don't. Hartono is good at sport. He can play basketball, badminton, softball, and volley well. But, basketball is the sport that he mastered well. The boys in my class are Aaron, Daniel, Davin, Handi, Me, Hartono, Ivan, Michael, Tommy, Yansen, Yosua. The girls are Adela, Cecilia, Chelsy, Ivena, Jasmine, Novia, Yosefin. Yansen is my best friend for four years. This year is the fifth year Yansen be my best friend. He is a funny person. He can do breakdance and Hip-Hop. He is good at it. He teach me to do the first step. It is "Baby Freeze". Aaron is good at playing guitar, Handi is good at drawing, Michael is good at making jokes. His face looks innocent.
Ok then that's all about my story about 8d and Mr Wahyu. I hope you will enjoy reading my story
words count: 815